
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sweet Tooth moderation

So I started a little slide for the last week. But I am glad to say that it was little and I am still fully on track and still doing well. I have decided to not keep the Skinny Cow desserts in the house full time. They have been very helpful in keeping my sweet tooth satiated but I think I'm starting to get a little too attached to them. Yesterday I had 3. That's almost 400 calories of non nutrition. I'm not making them verboten but I think it wise to wait a few shopping trips to buy some more. This is also true of sunflower seeds. They take so long to eat and the fat in them is a good fat but I can sit and eat them for way too long. And can we say sodium. The next few days I will be focusing on drinking water cause I know this salt is not helping the water retention and we all know that more water is a good idea at any time.

I was very proud of the eating today. Breakfast was Kashi cereal, lunch was chicken and stir-fried red pepper, carrots, and broccoli. Dinner was salisbury steak and green bean casserole. I also had a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich and some fresh mango. I'm getting both wary and excited about the September 1st official weigh-in. Although I've stated my highest weight, I haven't put down an actual, everyone can see weight. I know that this is good for me. Denial has never helped me. I also read tons of blogs where people put their weight. But I have friends who read this blog, not that any of them would ever think less of me or be cruel. But knowing that they know is a little nauseating. So in one week, get ready for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I can't believe its almost been a month since I started. I haven't had fast food in almost a month. Holy burrito Batman! That in itself is deserving of a pat on the back.

1 comment:

  1. Holy burrito Batman! hahahahahaah that is classic!!

    I ddin't share my weight for a long time on my 'original blog' then randomly one day, without warning, bam I put the number out there. it was hard for me to swallow, but it was also a huge step. :)

    Thanks for the comment on my blog about the morning star foods. I keep eyeing them... but i get scared... I am going to have to just get one and try it! :)
